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A NSW Government website

Digital NSW

About the Fund

The $2.1 billion Digital Restart Fund funds iterative, multi-disciplinary approaches to planning, designing, and developing digital products and services in NSW. Learn about how the fund is managed, focus areas for investment and the great impact it’s had for our customers.

Governance of the DRF

Treasury | DRF | Digital NSW


Oversight of compliance with Treasury Policy

Department of Customer Service Secretary | DRF | Digital NSW

Department of Customer Service Secretary

Funding recommendations to Minister

Digital Restart Fund Team | DRF | Digital NSW

Digital Restart Fund Team

Day to day administration of DRF

Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) | DRF | Digital NSW

Expenditure Review Committee (ERC)

Funding endorsement for projects over $5 million

Digital Transformation Board (DTB) | DRF | Digital NSW

Digital Transformation Board (DTB)

Strategic decision making

Portfolio of Agencies (POAs) | DRF | Digital NSW

Portfolio of Agencies (POAs)

Business case development

Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government | DRF | Digital NSW

Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government

Approval of DRF Project and payment

Digital Restart Fund Working Group | DRF | Digital NSW

Digital Restart Fund Working Group

Prioritisation and funding request recommendations

Project team/sponsor | DRF | Digital NSW

Project team/sponsor

Project delivery

DRF funding process

PoAs list potential projects for funding

DTB prioritise a pipeline of projects

Prioritised projects meet requirements

The Minister approves, and funds projects

Projects receive funding

Projects report and close initiatives