Program overview
What are SDAs?
State Digital Assets (SDA) are digital platforms, services or data that are used by more than one NSW government agency. They are the building blocks of efficient, proactive, customised, and seamless government services. Some examples are: Digital Identity, which allows customers to securely prove who they are without visiting a service centre and NSW Trend Atlas, a strategic intelligence platform for local and global trends to anticipate possible futures for NSW.
Our target state is a government with interconnected digital platforms and data, supported by policy and a strong partnership ecosystem to deliver social, environmental and productivity benefits through fewer and better systems.
Benefits to our customers
Whether you are a citizen, business in NSW, or a public servant, State Digital Assets provide benefits through a strategic and intelligent approach to service delivery.
As a citizen engaging with government services, you expect data to be safe and used in an effective and ethical way. When opting-in to proactive services, you want visibility and control of your data, including the level of personalisation.
Reuse of digital assets enable this, and can create further opportunities for NSW Government to develop services where you only need to “tell us once”; reducing the need to repeat information about yourself or your circumstances.
NSW public servants
As a NSW public servant you want to be able to deliver the best possible service to customers. This will be made easier via inter-agency sharing of data and services like the Better Outcomes Lab. The experience of moving between government agencies will be more seamless — through connected, secure networks and federated identity — allowing for a better work experience, as you progress through your career.
A simplified end-to-end regulatory experience will help boost NSW productivity. Improved access to information for starting or growing your business, increases the chances of your business succeeding, through timely and relevant advice.
Benefits to NSW
State Digital Assets and the ecosystems that surround them, will drive increased benefits through the secure reuse of data, services and platforms. Some SDAs already delivering benefits through modern licensing, digital identity, payments processing and consolidated financial systems, collectively forecasted to deliver over $1 billion in benefits by 2025. And this is only the beginning.
SDAs are designed to deliver long-lasting strategic benefits, such as:
Customer Experience
Fewer, better, connected systems will greatly improve customer experience, enabling secure, personalised and proactive services.
Government Efficiency
The use of cross-department workflow automation and sharing of data powers seamless and consistent customer services, enabling better decision making and increasing government efficiency.
State Productivity
Digitised regulation will increase industry productivity and unlock new business opportunities. Reuse of digital assets will create seamless interactions between government agencies, industry and academia to maximise the potential of research and development.
A whole-of-government outcomes-based approach enables world-class services for our customers.
State Digital Assets that NSW Government agencies can use to accelerate service delivery.