Stage 5: Projects receive funding

Sponsors receive a funding letter
If your business case is successful, the DRF team will issue your project with funding. Once the release of funds is approved, DSIA will issue a Funding Letter to the responsible Sponsor and delivery PoA outlining the funding, any conditions, and delivery and reporting requirements.
Meeting the funding requirements
It’s the responsibility of the Sponsor to action the funding letter and reporting requirements, including liaising with the Chief Financial Officer to transfer funds from the DRF to the project team. The CFO then arranges the transfer of funds as outlined in the funding letter.
They must follow the steps in the letter to transfer the funds from the DRF to their PoA bank account.
It is the project Sponsor’s responsibility to:
- Register the project in the ICT Reporting Portal for assurance checks through delivery, in line with the IDAF
- Ensure requirements in the Funding Letter are met
- Liaise with the Agency CFO to transfer funds from DRF to the PoA as soon as possible after receipt of the funding letter
- To ensure accountability, funds approved by the Minister can only be used to deliver the approved project and cannot be used for any other activities without proceeding through the relevant governance forums for decision.
Responsible Sponsors and CFO should ensure that they consider the financial and operational impact as the project transitions to ongoing operations as there are no additional funding guarantees from the DRF. Project costs that subsequently exceed their approved funds will not be considered for additional funding, with any overruns and ongoing costs to be managed within existing PoA budgets.
Project teams with unspent funds over $100,000 approved or allocated are requested to be returned to the DRF as a voluntary contribution under s8(4) of the Digital Restart Fund Act 2020.
Through delivery, the project team may require changes to the scope, budget, schedule, Sponsor, or responsible Department due to Machinery of Government changes.

Stage 5 checklist
DRF team will submit all business cases through the DRF governance groups for review and approval.
What's next
Stage 6: Projects report and close initiatives
Project teams have a responsibility to monitor and report their progress every month through the ICT Assurance Portal.