2022-2023 in review

Each year, we reflect on the value the Digital Restart Fund (DRF) delivers to the NSW Government and communities. Since its inception in 2019, the DRF has driven an ambitious agenda: transforming digital across the NSW Government. The fund has catalysed over $2 billion in investment and transformed 277 digital products and services across NSW Government. In the last financial year alone, it has funded 38 projects to improve outcomes for the NSW community, government, and economy. A recent independent assessment by Access Economics found that for every $1 invested from the DRF, a $3 return is generated.
The Digital Restart Fund Act 2020 was established to fund digital and information and communications technology initiatives across the government sector and for other purposes. Aligned with the annual administrative duties of the Act, documents on this page detail payments from the fund to projects in part or full. Navigate to the right of this page to view the Digital Restart Fund Financial Report 2022-2023 and Digital Restart Fund projects that received payments up to financial year 2023.