Our customer commitments
Customers today expect more secure, transparent, accessible, and responsive services from government. And those expectations are rising with more customers transacting online every day.
The NSW Government has already taken the bold move to create the Department of Customer Service. The Customer Commitments build on this and embed how we go beyond digital to deliver a truly customer-driven strategy.
This strategy embeds customer commitments and outcomes into the heart of a digital strategy to truly go Beyond Digital.
Regardless of what service is being delivered, whether it's face-to-face, online or behind the scenes, customers consistently tell us they expect certain behaviours from NSW Government.
These behaviours now form our Customer Service Commitments.
These commitments outline our promise to customers on what they can expect when receiving all NSW Government services.
To find out more about the Customer Commitments and how NSW Government is putting customers at the centre see towards a customer-centric government.
Also, to explore how customers are experiencing government services based on the customer commitments, please see the inaugural State of the Customer report.
Easy to access
Make it easy to access what I need
Make it simple for me to understand
Act with empathy
Show you understand my situation.
Treat me fairly and with respect.
Provide service in my time of need.
Respect my time
Tell me what I need to know beforehand.
Minimise the need for me to repeat myself.
Make what I need to do straightforward.
Explain what to expect
Be clear about what steps are involved.
Contact me when I need to know something.
Let me know what the outcomes could be.
Resolve the situation
Be accountable for your actions.
Be clear in decision-making.
Reach an outcome.
Engage the community
Listen to the community to understand our needs.
Ask us how we want services delivered.